Adsense CPC

Understanding Matched Content Advertising in Google AdSense

Understanding Matched Content Advertising in Google AdSense

Matching content or relevant content is a Google AdSense advertising feature provided by Google Adsense, whose function is similar to the relevant post on a blog. However, it has more diverse content than the usual related posts.

Understanding Matched Content Advertising in Google AdSense

Benefits of Matched Content Ads from Google AdSense

After knowing  what  Matched Content Ad means, I will discuss its functions and benefits. Here are the functions and benefits of instantly  matching content ads  :

Blog page views can be increased

If the readers are converted to  other articles  or related posts, of course the number of page views on our blog will increase. So, it’s not bad to add blog page views.

CTR or CTR can be increased

How can a story that Matched Content Ads increase CTR or CTR? Yes, many initially thought it was hit by a Click Bomb, but it didn’t, and it turns out that it’s still considered legal by Google. Therefore, it can be concluded that matched content ads can also increase your Google Adsense CTR or CTR.

Blog performance could be improved

Without realizing it, your blog’s performance will slowly increase. So, just wait and feel the difference before placing a matching content ad and after placing a matching content ad.

Apart from having  the aforementioned benefits  , Matched Content Ads are widely used by users also because they have advantages, such as not reducing blog load, easy to customize, and of course responsive.

You definitely can’t wait, right? How do you get matching content from Google Adsense? So what are the conditions? Here is an explanation.

How to get matched content ads from Google AdSense

Matched content ads are an additional feature that not all publishers can get these ads right away despite being fully approved. Only selected and eligible blogs get this   excellent  feature . So, you need to pay attention to a few things first to get AdSense for matched content, here is the explanation:

Get a fixed number of visitors

To get matched content ads, you need to have a lot of traffic every day. Even the numbers mentioned range from tens of thousands of PV (page width). But it is not uncommon for those who get matched content with only 1000-2000 traffic per day.

So, in my opinion, it is enough to have stable organic visitors, not too low, not fluctuating and staying in the same range. Therefore, we can conclude that traffic does indeed have an effect on getting these matched content ads, but the number of tens of thousands is actually just a myth. Because even with PV 2000 you can still get this kind of ads.

Using SEO and responsive templates

After getting a stable number of visitors, the next thing to watch out for in order to get identical content ads is to use  an  SEO friendly and responsive template. Why do you need SEO and responsiveness? Because so that the Google bot can easily understand the structure and content of the blog you have. Apart from that, the responsive template will make the visitors comfortable and feel right at home on your blog.

Pay attention to the number of articles on your blog

Apart from the above things, you also need to pay attention to the number of articles. You must have a qualified number of articles to increase traffic and page views from the blog you are managing. To get matched content, you must have more than 300 articles published, and it would be better if each category has 5 or more articles.

Because as I explained above, this feature is similar to the related post. But don’t worry, for your blog that still has a number of posts that haven’t reached 300 articles, don’t worry. Since many also get new matching content ads, have a publication count of over 100 articles and dozens of articles already on the first page (first page).

Jаdі, dараt dіѕіmрulkаn bahwa untuk mеndараtkаn iklan mаtсhеd соntеnt tidak hаruѕ benar-benar mеmіlіkі 300 lеbіh artikel dan dengan hаnуа 100 an lebih аrtіkеl mаѕіh bisa mеndараtkаn iklan mаtсhеd соntеnt, dеngаn саtаtаn аrtіkеl уаng Andа роѕtіng hаruѕ mеmрunуаі trаffіс уаng сukuр banyak, atau bаnуаk аrtіkеl уаng انتقل إلى الصفحة الأولى. God bless you.

Be diligent in posting articles and be consistent

Why should you be diligent in publishing articles? Because this is meant to tell Google if your blog is still active. Yes, although this section is not mentioned on the official Google page regarding matching content, I think this is also important.

Try not to steal articles to be published as much as possible, if you are too busy in the real world and can’t publish articles seriously. Try to post articles 2-3 times a week, that’s enough.

Improve monetization

To get matched content ads, sites should be optimally monetized. Optimal means placing ads in accordance with Google’s Terms of Service without violating any of them. So, to learn how to improve your monetization, you can do the following:

  • Experiment with ad types and ad sizes.
  • Ad placement experience.

Install auto ads codes on blogs

It would be great to post auto ads and enable the appropriate content feature. Using  this method is also very powerful so that Adsense will quickly display the matching content ads.

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