Email Marketing

How to set up an effective email marketing campaign and gain clients

How to set up an effective email marketing campaign and gain clients

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to communicate with your customers. It can help you nurture leads, increase brand awareness and sell your products.

How to set up an effective email marketing campaign and gain clients

According to recent studies by “Constant Contact”, the average return on investment with email marketing was $40 for every $1 spent.

Email campaigns are an important component of any marketing strategy and success relies largely on how well you craft your communication.

To get you started or to optimise your current campaign we’ve created some tips for you below.

Define your goals

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Before creating your email campaign you need to understand why you’re creating one in the first place. Ask yourself… “What is your desired outcome and what action do you want your customers to take?

Some of your goals could be:

  • To drive traffic to your website or social channels
  • To Increase brand awareness
  • Revenue generation
  • Lead nurturing
  • Ask for feedback in surveys

Define your target audience

Segmentation map

Depending on the industry, your business might have several types of customers each with their individual needs. To optimise conversions you should split your customers into segments so they can be used for different campaigns.

It’s also important to use the right list building strategies. Think quality rather than quantity.

How to grow an email list

How to grow an email list

There are many ways to grow and email list, some of them are:

  • Add a signup form on website
  • Ask customers to sign up at checkout
  • Drive sign ups through social media
  • Host contests or offer discounts for signing up
  • Update contacts

Select your email campaign type

There are several types of campaigns you can use to achieve specific goals.

For example:

  • Welcome series: A single or series a user receives when signing up to your newsletter or making the first purchase.
  • Winback series: Reconnect with customers who have not purchased for a while.
  • Cart abandonment emails
  • Recommendations: Personalised emails featuring the products each of your customers is most likely to buy.
  • Regular newsletters: Update your customers with news, tips or offers.

Design tips for your emails

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When designing your campaigns focus on the outcome and keep the messages clear, the design clean, uncluttered and straight forward.

  • Hook your subscribers with a great subject line. The more straightforward, the better.
  • Offer real value to your subscribers with the most important information, such as your call-to-action towards the top of the email.
  • Try to sell benefits not features.
  • Keep the message short and to the point.
  • Leverage colour psychology.
  • Keep in mind that some email clients like outlook don’t open images in emails automatically.

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