
5 Secrets About Bloggers and Content Writers

5 Secrets About Bloggers and Content Writers

Do you want to participate in the blogging phenomenon? Before you get started, there are a few things you should know about blogging. Blogging is a lot like an online magazine. There are thousands of online bloggers posting every day. 

5 Secrets About Bloggers and Content Writers

It is a trend that started in 1997 and has continued to grow steadily. If you’re interested in blogging but haven’t started yet, read these 5 things you should know before you start.


1. You can be a character

Many times new bloggers are not sure what to post. They know their blog is a personal space, but are afraid to make their posts personal in any way. The best bloggers put themselves out there via their posts. They will post what’s on their minds and their views or opinions on pressing issues. They may do this in a humorous way or very serious.

Sometimes new bloggers are afraid to post their real ideas because it can be commented on their blog. But the truth is, not everyone will agree with your ideas and posts, but you shouldn’t let that hold you back. These are the people who don’t know you personally, so their comments don’t matter much anyway. Don’t be afraid to let your true feelings show on your blog, after all, it’s what an online magazine is about.

2. Don’t be too personal

While it’s fine to be personal in your posts, you may not want to be too personal in how much you reveal yourself. For example, including your phone number or address in a post or on your profile might not be a good idea. You should think smart and only let people know the things you want them to know. For your own safety, you may not want your last name published either.

When someone has a lot of information about you, it is easier for them to deceive you through identity theft, harassment, or other crimes. So, stay safe and never post really private information.

3. Never use real names

When you post, and keep it personal and real, there can be times when other people in your life come up on the topic. Be very careful about including other people in your posts. First, never use their real names. This is a big mistake. Unless the person gives you permission to write about them, you should never do so. It will only lead to trouble.

If the person you mentioned is reading your blog, they may feel offended that you are writing about them. Even if the post is positive, it can be seen like talking behind their back. Try to keep posts about you, celebrities or other public figures. Let anyone else’s work remain theirs.

4. Keep it fresh

One of the best things you can do as a blogger is to keep your blog updated. This means that you have to post often and change things when you do this.

Post on different topics so your audience stays interested. Also, post at least twice a week. People who will become fans of your site will want to read your blog as much as possible. Updating your blog regularly will allow them to be entertained. If you only post once a month, chances are no one will remember to keep checking your blog and your traffic won’t be as impressive.

5. You can blog for free

Before you pay an arm and a leg for blogging space, you should know that there are sites where you can blog for free. Yes, you can create your own blog at absolutely no cost. These sites are great for the new blogger.

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